Hello and welcome to my website.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to find out whatever you want to know about me and my work by exploring the various links built into this conceptual fish.

That said, we’re still in the very early stages of the site and will be expanding over the coming months to include an all-new Raw Shark Texts section, which will have information on Raw Shark negatives, deleted scenes, the Tilda Swinton Raw Shark Texts book short and a whole heap of other stuff, including information and updates on the Raw Shark Texts film. Please check back again soon to see how we’re getting along…

In the meantime, if you’d like to ask something, suggest something, think I’ve forgotten something or you suspect that something here is broken or maybe never worked in the first place (or if you just want to say hello) you can contact me on – [email protected]

Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy the site.

Steven Hall
March 2008